Warm Bamboo Massage

by Jenny Nasir


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Warm Bamboo Massage is Originally from Asia and gaining popularity in the UK, this new therapy is wonderful to have if you like deep tissue work. It will leaves you feeling relaxed and energised and with a sense that your muscles have been stretched, warmed and elongated.Warm bamboo massage uses solid bamboo sticks of different lengths and diameters to massage the body. The sticks are gently warmed and applied to give deep and long massage strokes to break down tension and stretch tight muscles.Warm bamboo massage is a unique new way to relax tight muscles and release stress and tension and improve sports performance. If you like deep tissue work, this treatment is for you.For an ultimate relaxing and stretching experience, Nathalie combines hot stones with warm bamboo in a 90 minutes therapeutic session. Using hot stones to warm and relax the body and then warm bamboo to go deeper into the muscles, releasing, stretching and relaxing the body at the same time.Technique used in bamboo massage therapy tutorial VideoA bamboo massage is typically done with a hollow organically-treated bamboo cane of different lengths and diameters, which is warmed or used at room temperature. Longer sticks of various widths are used for gliding strokes, whereas smaller tools can be used for more detailed work. The canes are used as a tool in all modalities of massage. This is believed to be an ancient therapy. The bamboo cane replaces the hand of the therapist. It is able to give a deeper, firmer massage. The cane is held by the therapist and rolled over the muscle with the same strokes they would use with their hands. Some masseurs combine the elements of Shiatsu, traditional Chinese, Thai and Indian Ayurvedic techniques into the massage for best results. The massage ensures circulation, sensory nerve perception and provides a deep sense of relaxation and serenity. Stimulation of the tissue by the bamboo stick helps in getting relief by dissipating the heat that results from an accumulation of toxins and poor circulation. The muscle is then kneaded, which assists in the release of tension and easing of knots. Similar to massage, it promotes circulation, relaxation and other general benefits.Advantages Of Bamboo massageIt relieves neck, shoulder and upper back pain well as stiffness Improves the quality of sleep and helps insomnia It increases mental clarity and cures depression It increases lymphatic drainage and helps remove toxins from the body Encourages the body's natural healing abilities It releases endorphins, which is your body's natural painkillerDISCLAIMER:All the content included in this app are public and hosted on Youtube. Warm Bamboo Massage doesn't have the intelectual property of none of the included songs neither let users to download Video.